

BREEDING EXPERIMENTS. Experiments show that it is impossible to “breed” one species into another species. You hit the “species barrier”.

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MALADAPTATION. Darwin stated that “no organ - - - - can arise - - - except through its utility to the species”. However, many features of biological organisms are “maladaptive”.

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COAPTATION. If one body part “evolves” to a different format, all the other body parts would need to “evolve” into formats that would “fit in”. This is highly problematical.

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IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY. This means that a biological feature cannot evolve by gradual stages, because the intermediate, half-formed stages would have conferred no survival benefit.

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PRE-ADAPTATION. In the history of an organism, modifications often appear BEFORE the actual exercise of the function, as if “evolution” could have “foresight”, which it could not (without Intelligent Assistance).

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ABRUPT APPEARANCES. The Fossil Record comprises a series of sudden or abrupt appearances of species, without intermediate forms leading up to them.

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PERFECTION. Many biological features are too “perfect” to be formed by “evolution”.

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IMPOSSIBLE TRANSFORMATIONS. Frequently the “evolution” of one species into another species requires an intermediate stage that would be biologically non-viable.

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AESTHETICS. The aesthetic beauty of many organisms cannot be explained by Darwinism.

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SURVIVAL OF THE LUCKIEST. Darwinism promotes the notion of “Survival of The Fittest”. However, it is the “lucky” rather than the “fit” who survive.

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EVOLUTIONARY OVERSHOOT. Many human features have “evolved” far beyond the requirements of survival.

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COMPETITION. Darwinism suggests a competitive biological environment. This is questionable.

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IMPOSSIBLE INSTINCTS. Some instinctive animal behaviour is too complex to have “evolved” without Intelligent Assistance.

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TRANSITIONAL FORMS. In the fossil record, transitional forms between related species are conspicuous by their absolutely total absence.

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EVOLUTIONARY STASIS. In the fossil history, species appear to be extremely resistant to change, which undermines the “Theory of Evolution”.

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UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR. According to linguistics expert Noam Chomsky, the human brain contains a special “program” or “blueprint” for the rules of grammar in language. Language only started recently, so insufficient time for this to “evolve”.

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CONVERGENT EVOLUTION. Australian marsupial mammals “evolved” from a mouse, but very closely resemble mainland European placental mammals. There is no reason for evolution to “work” TWICE in the same way, unless it is DELIBERATE.

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LATENT FEATURES. The genetic machinery needed to make limbs was already present in the fins of a fish. This “latent feature” could provide no survival benefit, and so could not have “evolved” by “natural” means. It had to be deliberately “pre-programmed”.

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POLYGENY. Newly developed features cannot be passed on to future generations due to “polygeny”.

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HALDANE’S DILEMMA. If a genetic mutation occurs in a herd, then, in order for it to become a feature of the general population, all the other members of the herd must “go extinct”, ie:- leave no progeny. This seems implausible.

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POLY-FUNCTIONAL DNA. Most DNA sequences are “poly-functional”. A mutation, if beneficial in one area would be harmful in some other area.

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INSUFFICIENT TIME SCALE. Some human features could not have “evolved” in the available time-frame.

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EVOLUTIONARY “FORESIGHT”. Evolution would need to have “foresight” in order to “work”. But evolution cannot have “foresight”.

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HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES. Sometimes a radical reorganization of the DNA “software” occurs, but still producing the same morphological format. This is highly problematical for Darwinism.

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An animal possessing a variation is likely to breed with another animal that lacks this variation, and so the variation will be "bred out". This is one of the causes of "evolutionary stasis".

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