The following quote is from the book – Did Darwin Get It Right? – by John Maynard Smith (Professor of Biology at The University of Sussex), published by Penguin Books, 1988, Page 154:-
“Some critics of Darwinism have argued that the PERFECTION of adaptation is too great to be accounted for by the selection of random mutations - - - - I ALSO THINK THAT - - - - THE - - - - GENUINE ADAPTIVE FIT BETWEEN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION IS ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE TOO GREAT TO BE EXPLAINED BY SPECIES SELECTION.” (My capitals.)
(My comment:- John Maynard Smith is a major figure in biology. He is making a damning admission here, an admission that cannot be lightly dismissed. )
The next quote is from the book – The Great Evolution Mystery by Gordon Rattray Taylor (Chief Science Advisor to BBC Television), published by Secker and Warburg, 1983, pages 96 to 98:-
The author discusses the eye of the trilobite:-