

All the scientific evidence suggests that biological life forms cannot emerge from a “primordial soup” without assistance from some kind of Intelligent Agency. Here are some quotes from authoritative sources which substantiate this statement:-

Here is a quote from the book Life Itself by Francis Crick (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA), published by MacDonald and co, 1981, page 88.

“An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears to be ALMOST A MIRACLE (my capitals), so many are the conditions which would have to be satisfied to get it going.”

Here is a quote from the book God’s Undertaker by John C. Lennox (Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University), Published by Lion Hudson, 2007, pages 147 to 148:-

Lennox quotes Professor Paul Davies (a professor at Arizona State University, and author of many science books):- “This appears to make the genome (ie:- a genome is defined as “the total genetic material within the cell”) - - - - - impossible - - - - unattainable by either known laws or chance” - - - Davies continues “Darwinism can only operate when life - - - - is already going. It cannot explain how life starts in the first place.”

Here is a quote from the book Seven Clues to The Origin of Life by A.G. Cairns Smith (Senior Lecturer in Chemistry at The University of Glasgow), published by Cambridge University Press, reprinted 1991, page 34.

“ - - - - Hence the concentration, so far in this book, on what is appallingly difficult about the problem of the origin of life.”

Here is a quote from the book Signature in The Cell – DNA and The Evidence For Intelligent Design by Stephen C. Meyer (Ph.D. from Cambridge University in Philosophy of Science), published by HarperOne, 2009, page 321:-

Meyer quotes German biologist Klaus Dose (Professor of Biochemistry at Frankfurt University), who said that research efforts had “led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin of life rather than that of its solution”.

Here is a quote from the book Origins: A Skeptics Guide To The Creation of Life on Earth – by Robert Shapiro (Professor of Chemistry at New York University, published by Heinemann, 1986, page 120:-

Shapiro quotes Harvard Biochemist George Wald (Wald was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1950 and in 1967 was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.), in an article in Scientific American (magazine):- “One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is IMPOSSIBLE. Yet we are here – as a result, (so) I believe, of spontaneous generation.” (My capitals.)

Here is a quote from the book Advanced Banter: The QI Book of Quotations, by John Lloyd, and John Mitchinson, published by Faber and Faber, 2009:-

Page 106. A quotation from Richard Dawkins:- “The essence of life is statistical improbability on a colossal scale.”

(My comment:- This is a startling admission from such a militant atheist as Richard Dawkins!)

Here is a quote from the paper Natural Selection And The Complexity of The Gene, by Frank B. Salisbury (of The Plant Sciences Department, Utah State University), published in (The Journal) Nature, volume 224, issue for October 25th, 1969, pages 342 to 343:-

“Quastler (in his book – The Emergence of Biological Organization, published by Yale University Press, 1964) - - - - calculated that the probability of life - - - - originating by a lucky accident - - - - - is about 10 – 300 to 10 – 255 – essentially no probability.”

(Note:- Henry Quastler was an Austrian physician and radiologist who became a pioneer in the field of information theory applied to biology. Quastler organized the symposium Information Theory in Biology, founded by him in 1952. He was Visiting Professor of Theoretical Biology at Yale University.)

Here is a quote from the book The Cosmic Blueprint, by Paul Davies (Professor of Theoretical Physics at The University of Newcastle upon Tyne), published by Heinemann, 1987, page 118:-

“The spontaneous generation of life by random molecular shuffling is a ludicrously improbable event.”

Here is a quote from the book The Intelligent Universe, by Fred Hoyle (Hoyle was appointed to the illustrious Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy at Cambridge University. In 1967, he became the founding director of the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy (subsequently renamed the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge.), published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983, page 23:-

“There is not a shred of objective evidence to support the hypothesis that life began in an organic soup here on the earth.”