All breeding experiments show conclusively that it is impossible to “breed” one species into another species. In that case, evolution cannot proceed. Evolution cannot “evolve” one species from another different species. The problem is that Darwinism rests squarely on this very claim, ie:- that one species can “evolve” from another species. Here are some quotes from authoritative sources that substantiate this above statement:-
The following quote is from the book At The Death Bed of Darwinism by Eberhard Dennert:-
“There is a limit to individual variability which neither time nor skill avail to remove. As M. Blanchard asserts in his work – La Vie Des Etres Animes (page 102) “All investigation - - - makes it clear that - - - - the variability of creatures - - - remains confined within a circle beyond which it cannot pass.”
The following quote is from Report of The 36th meeting of The British Association For The Advancement of Science, held at Nottingham in 1866 – Transactions of The Sections, pages 81 to 89 – Physiology Address by Professor Humphry, F.R.S.:-
“Though artificial selection may do much to modify species, it is rather by producing varieties than by drawing away very far from the original stocks - - - - The latter is stopped by the increasing - - - - unhealthiness of the individuals - - - We have here a law by which the growth or perpetuation of peculiarities is prevented, and a consistency given to the characters of the species.”
The next quote is from the book Evolution a Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton (molecular biologist – He was a senior research fellow in the Biochemistry Department at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand from 1990 to 2005), published by Adler and Adler, 1986, pages 64 to 65:-
“Many species are capable of - - -change - - - they also revealed distinct limits - - - beyond which no further change could ever be produced.”
The next quote is from the book The Encyclopedia of Ignorance, Volume 2 – Life sciences and Earth Sciences, edited by R. Duncan and M. Weston-Smith, published by Pergamon Press, 1977. Article – The Limitations of Evolution Theory, by John Maynard Smith (Professor of Biology at The University of Sussex), page 237:-
“Changes in response to artificial selection do not continue indefinitely, but slow down and stop when the initial supply of genetic variability has been used up.”
The next quote is from the book A Challenge to Evolutionists by Douglas Dewar, FZS, 3rd edition, 1948, published by Uplift Books (Croydon) Ltd. Pages 18 to 20.
“For centuries men have been experimenting on dogs, cattle, horses, poultry - - - - but the fowl today is essentially the same as the fowl of the classical Romans, despite the fact that fully 2000 generations of fowls have been bred with the object of effecting changes - - - - - new breeds have been produced - - - - but the dogs remain dogs, the pigeons still remain pigeons, and so on - - - - They selected a tiny fly - - - - Drosophilia Melanogaster - - - - - - since 1910 some 800 generations of this fly have been bred - - - - by exposing this fly to X-rays, the rate at which mutations - - - - occur is enormously increased - - - -15,000 per cent - - - - despite this, Drosophilia - - - obstinately refuse to turn into anything else - - - - No matter how much any of these bred varieties differs in appearance from the wild parent, it yields perfectly fertile offspring when crossed with it (ie:- when crossed with the wild variety of this fly) - - - - - experiment has so far demonstrated the great stability of animal species - - - - The results of (these) breeding experiments led Professor Caullery (who was a Professor at The Laboratoire d’Evolution des Etres Organise of the faculty des Sciences, Paris) to write in 1931 “The greatest difficulty - - - is to reconcile these results with the mutability required by evolution” - - - - - Every breeder who experiments on any particular wild animal - - - - during the first few generations he is usually able to effect marked changes in the desired direction, but invariably he is brought soon to a sudden halt - - - the animal refuses to change (ie:- by further breeding) any further in that particular direction - - - -One experimenter sought - - - - to produce a Drosophilia Melanogaster devoid of bristles - - - - During the first 20 generations he was able to effect a progressive reduction in the number of bristles; after that he could not effect any further reduction.”
The next few quotes are from the book Variation and Fixity in Nature by Frank L. Marsh, M.S., Ph.D., published by Pacific Press Publishing Association, California, 1976:-
Pages 62 to 64:- “Mutations in vinegar flies merely resulted in new variants WITHIN the type. (My capitals.) No one has ever conceived of the results as being anything other than vinegar flies - - - - What has been accomplished? - - - - - Just this: variation within a basic type - - - no more (ie:- nothing more) - - - - Nothing higher than microevolution has been achieved by all these processes of change - - - - Each of these basic kinds is set off from every other basic kind by some residual part which no amount of gene change can erase - - - - - No natural process is capable of accomplishing the change necessary to bridge the discontinuity between kinds - - - evident in nature.”
Page 79:- “After many centuries crossing (ie:- interbreeding) still appears to occur only within the borders of the well defined type.”
Page 105:- All processes of variation among plants and animals can do no more than produce another variant within a basic type already in existence.”
Now here is a quote from New Scientist (magazine), issue for March 13th, 2010, page 31. Article:- Accidental Origins, by Bob Holmes:-
“Speciation still remains one of the biggest mysteries in evolutionary biology.” (Note:- The term “speciation” is defined as – “The development of one or more species from an existing species”.)
(My comment on The Species Barrier Hurdle:- From the foregoing quotes it appears that EVOLUTION CANNOT HAPPEN, ie:- one species CANNOT gradually “evolve” into another species. In that case, it is hard to understand why Darwinians continue to insist that evolution CAN happen, in the teeth of all the scientific evidence. To ignore scientific facts, and pretend that these facts do not exist is not science. It is simply pseudoscience and ideology. Darwinism is pseudoscience.)