The following quote is from the book The Medusa And The Snail, by Lewis Thomas (Lewis Thomas (November 25, 1913 – December 3, 1993) was an American physician.Thomas attended Princeton University and Harvard Medical School. He became Dean of Yale Medical School and New York University School of Medicine, and President of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute. He was invited to write regular essays in the New England Journal of Medicine. One collection of those essays, The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher (1974), won annual National Book Awards in two categories, Arts and Letters and The Sciences.), published by Penguin Books, 1981, pages 66 to 69 – Essay entitled – “On Warts”:-
Thomas tells us of a study where “14 patients with seemingly intractable warts on both sides of the body were hypnotized, and the suggestion was made that all the warts ON JUST ONE SIDE OF THE BODY would begin to go away. Within several weeks, the results were indisputably positive; in nine patients ALL or nearly all THE WARTS ON THE SUGGESTED SIDE HAD VANISHED, WHILE THE CONTROL SIDE HAD JUST AS MANY AS EVER.” (My capitals.)